Faculty will refer to an established framework for shared decision making (SDM) in healthcare, designed by Elwyn and colleagues (Elwyn 2012) and published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. This approach identifies preference-specific decisions in care and applies the following approach to effectively engage the patient in the decision-making process. The framework is taught to learners in the context of encounters with different patients, each in different stages of a particular disease continuum, requiring them to make management and communication decisions, each of which is followed by faculty feedback and peer benchmarking.
This teaching modality is focused on integrating best practices in SDM into clinical practice, especially as it relates to assessment and management in specific disease states.
The Clinical Exchanges® design encourages use of SDM and improves skills in utilizing SDM in practice through technical and practical guidance using video-based demonstration. RMEI is a HIPAA Verified, compliant organization.