Improving Outcomes in NTM-LD: Identifying Risk Factors and Applying New Guidelines to Practice

Program Overview

The goal of this activity is to provide clinicians with the clinical tools necessary to identify patients with NTM-LD in a timely manner and to offer the most state-of-the art guideline-recommended therapies for an adequate treatment response. Faculty share statistics on the increasing incidence of NTM-LD, patient risk factors for initial infection as well as progression of disease, and reasons for diagnostic delay. Current NTM-LD treatment guidelines are discussed, including the importance of airway clearance. Clinical insights are provided for treating refractory Mycobacterium avium complex lung disease, when is watchful waiting before treatment appropriate, how to manage important adverse effects of therapies, and the vital role for involving patients in their NTM-LD care.

Credit Expired

Target Audience

This educational activity is designed for infectious disease specialists, pulmonologists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners who diagnose and manage patients with nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease (NTM-LD).

Educational Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to:

  • Employ strategies to improve the recognition of patient risk factors and underlying conditions in order to facilitate the diagnosis of nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease (NTM-LD)
  • Apply current guidelines, best practices, and evidence related to NTM-LD treatment, adherence, and management of adverse effects
  • Summarize the role of shared decision making in individualizing treatment goals and treatment selection, and reducing the burden of illness in patients with NTM-LD

Activity Faculty

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David E. Griffith, MD

Professor, Medicine
National Jewish Health
Denver, Colorado


Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris, MD

Professor, Medicine
Associate Director, Clinical and Academic Affairs
Director, NYU Bronchiectasis/NTM Program
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
New York, New York

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Charles L. Daley, MD

Chief, Division of Mycobacterial & Respiratory Infections
Professor, Medicine
National Jewish Health
Denver, Colorado


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