Proprietary Educational Formats
Every patient has a story that extends far beyond their symptoms. That personal journey is at the very center of this educational design that merges storytelling with key clinical concepts and data to engage learners. This teaching modality leverages the principals of Narrative Medicine to instill learners with the competence to acknowledge, absorb, interpret, and act on the stories and plights of others to facilitate humane and effective medical practice. This educational design seamlessly interweaves the patient’s story with compelling visual representations of medical evidence to maximize learner retention and drive linkage to clinical practice. RMEI is a jointly accredited, HIPAA verified, compliant organization.
This educational format is designed to reduce delays in the transfer of clinical research to practice by disseminating critical analyses of recent and late-breaking clinical trial data from peer-reviewed publications and major medical conferences to busy clinicians. This design features a single clinical expert summarizing the latest clinical evidence and discussing its real-world implications on clinical practice. RMEI is a jointly accredited, HIPAA verified, compliant organization.
Faculty will refer to an established framework for shared decision making (SDM) in healthcare, designed by Elwyn and colleagues (Elwyn 2012) and published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. This approach identifies preference-specific decisions in care and applies the following approach to effectively engage the patient in the decision-making process. The framework is taught to learners in the context of encounters with different patients, each in different stages of a particular disease continuum, requiring them to make management and communication decisions, each of which is followed by faculty feedback and peer benchmarking.
This teaching modality is focused on integrating best practices in SDM into clinical practice, especially as it relates to assessment and management in specific disease states.
The Clinical Exchanges® design encourages use of SDM and improves skills in utilizing SDM in practice through technical and practical guidance using video-based demonstration. RMEI is a jointly accredited, HIPAA verified, compliant organization.
This design utilizes HD video or video conferencing to showcase the insights from three (3) specialist faculty as they come together to resolve challenging patient cases submitted by community-based clinicians across the United States. These cases are solicited through a nationwide media campaign encompassing prior educational activities, podcast, internet radio, and HTML e-mails, and only a select few cases are chosen in each iteration. Others are archived for use in future research. Another key feature of this design is the inclusion of interactive questions that allow learners to engage with the cases and participate in management decisions.
This educational design provides an insightful, lively dialogue between experts and creates a meaningful connection between leaders in the field and those clinicians in busy community practice. Learners will gain privileged insights into the treatment strategies of medical experts, where each faculty provides opinions and suggestions to the selected patient challenge. RMEI is a jointly accredited, HIPAA verified, compliant organization. organization.
The activity format is designed to engage learners through various interactive exercises that reflect familiar practice-based processes.
There are 2 sides to every story!! This educational design combines key tenets of narrative medicine with the patient voice to convey clinically meaningful stories that inspire action, compassion, and commitment to change among learners in their daily medical practices. In this format a leading medical expert and a patient seamlessly alternate in sequence to share a clinical story from their own unique vantage points.
Key clinical evidence, diagnostic criteria, and other relevant medical content are strategically placed throughout the activity to emphasize critical teaching moments, maximize learner retention, and drive linkage to clinical practice. RMEI is a jointly accredited, HIPAA compliant organization.
This design features three (3) multidisciplinary or multispecialty clinical experts in a particular disease state along with one (1) patient living with the same disease. Collectively, these experts engage in an interactive panel discussion, augmented by slide presentations that provide evidence to support different aspects of the discussion, as well as audience polling questions that assess impact relative to the learning objectives. This design allows for a lively expert exchange that also involves the clinician learner directly.
This design features three (3) clinical experts (specialists in a particular disease state) engaged in an immersive panel discussion, with intermittent slide presentations that provide evidence to support different aspects of the discussion, as well as audience polling questions related to the learning objectives for the meeting.
Ready…Set….Learn! It is a race to understanding in this educational design, which harnesses key fundamentals of microlearning to engage learners in an exciting, fast-paced, and interactive experience. During each segment, learners participate in a relay-type race comprised of a series of “Sprints” focused on discrete clinical concepts or medical evidence. Each “Sprint” concludes with a Challenge Question that provides an immediate assessment on how well learners assimilated the presented information. It also serves as a “Baton Pass” to enter subsequent “Sprints”, punctuated by transitional animations that reflect a successful Baton Pass or a misstep caused by an incorrect response. Learners repeat this process until they finish the final “Sprint” and answer the last Challenge Question to cross the finish line. This design features up to four (4) clinical experts discussing key aspects of patient care and/or interpreting key findings from recent clinical trials. RMEI is a jointly accredited provider and a HIPAA-verified compliant organization.